Reset your password:
- Click on the "Log in" button
- Click "Forgot Password?"
- After clicking on the "Forgot Password" Button, there will be a pop up for you to reset the password. Ensure you follow the steps below & fill in the form accurately.
- Key in your Email address that you used to register your DLive account in the first textbox.
- Click the “SEND” button in the second textbox.
- After clicking the “Send” button, you will receive a 6-digit password reset code in your email inbox (check in your spam inbox if you haven't received it). Insert the code in the second textbox
- Key in your new password in the last 2 textboxes and click “Reset Password” button.
- After you have successfully reset your password, There will be a “Password reset successful" message that will be displayed on the bottom right corner of the screen. You will be able to log in to your account using the new password you have selected.