How to upload Stickers to your Channel Library
Only Verified Partners and Global Partners can add/upload stickers to their channel library. You can add stickers to your channel library by first clicking on the smiley icon in your chat room then clicking the + icon.
Owners and moderators can add new stickers to the channel library
Sticker Requirements
- 150px x 150px
- Under 5mb in Size
- All stickers must adhere to our community guidelines
- Please DO NOT add/upload the default gifting animation on DLive as the sticker.
Any images larger than the dimensions above will be resized to 150x150.
A maximum of 20 stickers can be uploaded to your channel library.
How to add stickers to your Favorite Library
To add a sticker to your personal Favorite Library, click the sticker in the chatroom and select Add to Favorite Library.
You can have a maximum of 20 favorite stickers in your Favorite Library.
Currently, uploading your own stickers to Favorite Library is not open to the public.
How to use Stickers
To use a sticker, please click the smiley face in the chat box - then click the sticker you would like to send to the chat room.
How to Remove Stickers
To a remove a sticker from your channel / favorite library, open your stickers by clicking the smiley face. Hover over the sticker you wish to remove and click the cross icon.