Are you interested in becoming a partner at We are honored that you would take the time to consider it. In this article, you will find an overview of the basic requirements and differences between the partner programs offered.
Regardless of the partnership level, we do expect:
- Content creators who are interested in growing their channel on DLive.
- Content creators who actively promote DLive and contribute to the growth of DLive.
- Active members of the community on Discord.
- Community members who are good role models for our new and existing users.
- Participate or help promote events, campaigns, and programs hosted by DLive.
Besides the requirements listed above, we also expect you to have a certain stream history on DLive. For example:
- Minimum 1 month
- Minimum 15 streams
You can apply without this requirement but meeting them will increase your chance to get approval.
Last updated: Wednesday, November 27th, 2019
Partnership Requirements
Partnership Features
Applying for Partnership
If you meet the minimum requirements to become a Verified Partner:
- You will be able to apply via your Partner Center
What will happen after I apply?
After you apply, you will receive an email from the DLive Team confirming that we have received your application. It may take up to 30 days for us to make a decision regarding your request.
If you initially applied as a content creator and could not maintain your partnership based on the requirements above, your partnership will be removed and downgraded to the next lower tier. However, anytime when you meet the requirements, you will be able to reactivate your partnership directly in the Partner Center.
Meeting the requirements does not mean that you will receive the status of Verified Partner, DLive reserves the right to make the final decision on all applications. DLive also reserves the right to remove any partner status from any user and update the minimum requirements at any time.
If you are already a Verified Partner and would like to apply for Global Partner:
You will be able to apply via your Partner Center
Partnership Guidelines
We expect all DLive Partners to be representatives of DLive and therefore must abide by our Community Guidelines which can be seen over at
If you do not adhere to the DLive Community Guidelines, we may issue a strike on your account for each violation. If you incur 3 strikes on your account, you will be removed from the DLive Partnership program.
If your partnership is revoked, you may be eligible to re-apply in 3 months.
If you wish to terminate your partnership, please raise a support ticket.
Please note: Any active subscriptions will not be renewed and DLive will provide no refunds to your subscribers.